Thursday, November 11, 2010

Geek Squad? Pshh. More like lazy, money suckers!

So I went to pick up my laptop today at Best Buy, thinking it was going to work right again.  Well, it is exactly how it was when I took it there. Minus a few viruses apparently? I am just so frustrated! Ughh.. I get to enroll in the morning, and now I may not get to because of my stupid computer.  Speaking of enrolling.  I have figured out my schedule for next semester! And, boy is it going to hurt.  Six classes, and two of them are in the evening. Phew! Good thing my friend Cherish is going to be in every single class with me! It's also a good thing that we are in the same major! :) Yayy! I am pretty excited about this.  Anyways. I am starving, and I haven't eaten since about eleven this morning! :/ So, I'm going to say goodnight, and go eat! Ta ta for now! <3


  1. You spelled my name wrong. again. :(

  2. DANGIT. I know how to spell it. It just seems right to have TWO r's.. I'm sorry!
